在别墅的会客室内,当蒙烈将拉娜瑟丝带到嬴兰月身前的时候,这名清冷而绝丽,犹如黑夜中最美丽的月光一般的精灵少女马上向着嬴兰月行礼道,她的行礼动作异常优雅美丽,充满了一种高贵的气息。The 5×60 series, which has begun filming in Northern Ireland, is produced by Origin Pictures and is adapted by Fiona Seres. David Thompson exec produces along with BBC’s Sarah Stack while Sarah Curtis produces. Black Mirror and Humans helmer Carl Tibbetts is set to direct.Story follows Walter Hartright who encounters a ghostly woman dressed in all white on a moonlit road and is soon drawn into a mysterious and disturbing world. Romance, suspense and danger combine as secrets come to the fore in what is largely viewed as the first psychologically thriller novel. It’s a haunting tale of insanity and identity set against the shadowy paths and corridors of English country houses and ultimately into the depths of a Victorian madhouse.